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Ensure children:

  • Are free from threat of harm or violence
  • Learn about the dangers of human trafficking
  • Become change agents and advocates in their communities
  • Receive training in useful life-skills, and more.

Supported Projects

– Child Focused Development Sponsorship Program [India and Nepal]



Advocating against deeply engrained societal errors– such as human trafficking – is critical in protecting the rights of women, girls and vulnerable individuals.

To be effective in the fight against human trafficking, it is important to stay focused on preventative measures, and to help children, families and communities break down the barriers that keep them in poverty, increasing the risk of human trafficking.

While human trafficking in South East Asia is certainly a daunting problem, it is not insurmountable. (Isaiah 1:17)

Thank you for using your voice to speak on against human trafficking. We encourage you to donate to our Advocacy Program, or to sponsor a child through our Child Focused Development Sponsorship Program.