Office: 02 6586 4250
PO Box 333 Wauchope NSW 2446
[email protected]

Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday 9am – 5pm AEST  &

Friday 9am – 3:30pm AEST

Contact Us

Report an Incident:

If you would like to report a concern regarding Child Safety or Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (SEAH), please click here.

Report a Complaint:

Asian Aid recognises the importance and value of listening and responding to questions, feedback and concerns. Feedback and complaints can be made, verbally, in writing or in person via the following channels:

  • Directly: by speaking with any staff member
  • Phone: by calling our supporter relations team on +61 2 6586 4250 extension 1004
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Letter: to our head office at PO Box 333 Wauchope NSW 2446

Partner offices are responsible for responding to complaints relating to its operations in each respective country. Complaints made directly to Asian Aid’s head office will be referred to the director of the partner office.

All complaints will be managed in accordance with our Complaints Handling Policy

Serious complaints of misconduct will be made to the designated authority and managed in accordance with Asian Aid’s relevant policies, as well as, all relevant legislation.

ACFID Code of Conduct:

Should your complaint involve a breach of the ACFID Code of Conduct you may refer the matter to the ACFID Code of Conduct Committee.

The Australian Council for International Development
Private Bag 3
Deakin ACT 2600
P: + 61 2 6285 1816
E: [email protected]

You can find out more about the ACFID Code of Conduct and complaints handling process by visiting the ACFID website.

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