Walk a day with Neha

Neha lives in South India. She attends one of our SDA schools. Neha’s days have been full and engaging. Before the start of the project, however, it was different.

The school was unable to provide quality education. There were no activities held nor any lively games organised for the children. Children from the community would come, spend their time, play around and go back.

Things have changed.

Neha wakes up early at 6 AM and starts to get ready for school. She needs to make sure that her younger sister gets ready, too, since their mother has to leave for work. If her mother takes Neha’s bicycle with her, then sometimes, her sister and Neha both go on one bicycle. If not, she gets to go on her own bicycle.

Neha cycle

“If my friends are around with me then, we take 25 minutes to reach the school,” says Neha. “This is because we ride slowly and talk with each other. If not, it takes us 15 minutes.”

At school, Neha likes to focus on her studies and also learn new life skills. She enjoys everything that she does, and she shines bright in the activities that she takes part in.

She can see the change in herself. She is more confident. She can talk freely with anyone, even if she has not met them before. She has the ability to learn fast, grasp instructions and apply them in various activities. The child who never used to talk now keeps talking, smiling, and wants to be in every activity.

During lunch, Neha spends time chatting with friends, laughing, and playing games.

“Football is my favourite game, and I do not mind playing with boys as well,” she smiles.

Usually, she does not carry her lunch with her. Her mother leaves early for work, so if her mother does not wake up with enough time to prepare a meal, her father buys her some snacks.

Neha is also a part of the child club and in the group she is very active. She is allowed to express her feelings. Through the various sessions and programs in the child club, she has the opportunity to make new friends, learn new skill sets, and participate in various competitions and sports.

Neha school

Once school is done for the day, Neha goes home, freshens up and rests for a while. Then she helps her parents with farming their land. Later, she sits with her sister to finish their homework, have dinner, and sleep.

Weekends are a little different. She attends church with her family, plays with her sister and friends, and if there is plenty of work to do on their land, she helps out. If it is a special occasion, they visit relatives.

Our Walk A Day With Me campaign aims to provide children the time and capacity to make the changes and improvements needed to have meaningful and impactful days – and lives. Will you join us and bless their day?