Rupa’s New Lease On Life


This is Rupa*.

She was married when she was only 12 years old.

She had seven children but only four have survived.

Rupa suffered from


for 15 years.

When she heard about a free women’s health camp in her village, she eventually decided to visit the camp. Rupa was diagnosed with third degree prolapse. Our partner team were able to bring her to the Scheer Memorial Hospital for surgery. Rupa is now able to go about her day without any suffering, happy and with a new lease on life.

We are working relentlessly to ensure mobile healthcare services reach remote areas, breaking geographical barriers. By providing education, raising awareness, and offering medical assistance, together we can empower women like Rupa and eliminate this silent suffering.

You can give healing and hope by donating $20 for a pessary ring or $500 for uterine prolapse surgery for a mother just like Rupa.

*name changed