Villages with Adventist Schools
- Build and maintain the capacity of schools in predominantly remote areas to provide quality education for disadvantaged children;
- Provide education to children on health and hygiene to improve their health and resilience;
- Enable adults in the community to benefit from the provision of education in literacy and numeracy provided by the schools;
- Maintain the physical infrastructure of schools;
- Reach families with education and basic health information services who are underserved by government facilities.
Your Support Helps
For Christmas, students at our Adventist schools in Bangladesh received school supplies and a mosquito net. Our Partner staff provide families with monthly food packages, and a daily meal at school for the children. They have provided 500 trees to students and families in the community. Members of the local community have also begun agricultural training on paddy seedlings. This will enable them to establish a sustainable source of income. We are continuing to develop school infrastructure. Our student activists continue to raise awareness of community needs, and they recently purchased blankets to distribute to disadvantaged women.