Johnson’s Story of Hope

Johnson, now 19, was just two when his mother passed away. His father married again so that his child would be taken care of, but things did not go as planned. With the help of Asian Aid, he joined one of our Children’s Homes. Johnson began a new life with new people.

He wants to thank his sponsor and Asian Aid for the help and support he has been receiving to stay and study in school. Currently Johnson is at the Home attending his regular classes.  He says, “Good education helped me to develop my skills and the religious activities help me with my personal relationship with God.”

He has learnt about Jesus and has learnt to read the Bible. His favourite subject is science. He wants to grow up to be a Pastor to be able to help and teach the poor and needy about Jesus and his love.

Johnson says “Dear loving sponsor, you are the gift that God has given to me through Asian Aid to brighten my future.  I cannot simply say thank you for all your love and concern. I want to serve God to show my appreciation, as I cannot give you anything in return.”

You can sponsor a child like Johnson by clicking here.

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Author: Pudens Isabel

One part writer, one part photographer & two parts traveller… Three years ago I decided something needed to change, so I quit my corporate job and started working for Asian Aid from my home in India. I travel to projects and schools we support in India and Nepal, bringing you their stories through words, photos and video. Since then I have been visiting Asian Aid projects with my camera and notebook in tow, to bring pictures and stories from the field to you.