From Nowhere to Nursing

I am Suborna a 3rd-year student of Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery in Bangladesh. I am forever grateful to my sponsor for their unwavering support in my education. Without your support, it would never be possible to walk towards my dream of becoming a nurse. 

Suborna Soren

I have a mom and three sisters and I am the youngest. My father was a farmer who did manual work on other’s land – he toiled day and night to feed us. When I was three years old, my father died. Our mother had no option but to start working on other’s land as a day laborer. She sometimes worked in others’ houses as a maid. With her limited income, she could not manage tuition fees for the three of us. To reduce the burden of our expenses my elder sister got married. However, it was still hard for my mother to meet all our costs.  

That was when my mother made the decision to send me the Adventist boarding school in Bangladesh. I studied there from Grade one to ten and I finished high school with the help of Asian Aid’s sponsorship program. Nursing was my passion so I decided to join nursing in 2020.

My elder sister studies in the government college near our home. She sometimes works on other’s land with our mother to manage her pocket money. She takes care of our mother at home. I am proud of my sister for being patient and hardworking. Our mother always encourages us to be strong and keep going. I promised myself to finish my education and succeed in life achieving my goal.  

I am indebted to Asian Aid and my sponsor for choosing me. Your support relieved the financial burden from my mother’s shoulder. Without your help, I could not continue my nursing college. Because of you, I have come this far.