A Fun Day Without Books and Bags at our Adventist School in Nepal

Our Adventist school in Nepal organized ‘A Day Without Books and Bags’. This day was designed to offer a holistic approach to learning that promotes classroom and extracurricular activities. It allowed the students to have a fun-filled day. Various important activities were planned for them to keep them occupied while learning new things at the same time. They learned useful life skills, and returned home with a new perspective on learning, without the burden of homework. This program is not just about having fun and playing, but also about engaging in activities that provide students with practical knowledge and essential skills. Various activities included dance, essay writing, singing, reciting poems, and writing related to Nepal.  

Programs aimed at teaching the students useful life skills included how to use a spade, dig a field, grow plants, plow, pull weeds, create a project, pick up garbage, dispose of waste and make fertilizer, among others. We also help them to recognize some basic skills like washing hands, cleaning/cutting nails, brushing teeth, tying shoe-lace, folding clothes, cleaning their room, dusting, arranging clothes, washing clothes, bathing and even sewing a button. So, it was a day without books at our Adventist school in Nepal, but they have learned many valuable lessons in practical way.   

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