Schools are our beacons of light

As a supporting ministry, we believe in the value of Adventist Education. If we look to the world around us, we see sickness and suffering.  We see our Adventist schools as beacons of light and centers of evangelism in their communities. Our schools in India, Nepal and Bangladesh play an important role not just educating children to reach their God-given potential but also in spreading the gospel by empowering each child to become an agent of change in their communities.

Adventist Education

Although there are many more, here are some opportunities we see through Adventist education:

  1. 40% of the young people who attend Adventist Schools remain faithful to the church, and they are more likely to become active lay leaders or full-time workers in our denomination.
  2. Many of the countries we work in have school on Saturdays so at an Adventist School they can go to church on Sabbath and worship with their family and friends.
  3. Where our young people go to school often determines their careers, spouses and faith.
  4. Adventist schools are “cities of refuge” for many of our young people living in vulnerable conditions.
  5. Adventist education prepares our young people for this life and for the life to come. Our young people can be “taught” into the kingdom of God.

Ellen G. White emphasizes the vision for Adventist education and calls for Adventists to offer holistic education.

We thank you for your continued support and pray that you will help us continue to shine the light on those most vulnerable and lift them into God’s hands for protection.

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